Get to know your strengths on one hand and the weak and susceptible organs in your body on the other. Pay attention to your traits and habits in your lifestyle. This is done by talking with the elders who will tell you about what runs in the family.
For a positively enhanced wellness regimen and maintenance of daily health against common ailments of flu, cold, headaches and low-level stress.
When a mild affliction strikes or when under a major emotional stress.
Two seperate programs are available. Indicate your choice on the form.
Of special interest to sufferers of
A more natural lifestyle approach is called for. A good place to start:
clearly to these specific points. It is designed to guide you in making important personal choices
as you carry out this self-evaluation. Then you will take charge
of your health. Results are guaranteed if you faithfully follow the simple mental instructions
and suggested changes to your nutritional standards offered in the book.
Find new tips, techniques and easy-to-follow step-by-step lessons,
including rare Himalayan recipies, from Ravi's new book "THE LATITUDE SYNDROME"
Buying the book enrols you for a free course of instruction
And, above all
The Latitude Syndrome
You will be amazed at your progress in becoming healthy.
Complete attached Self-assessment FORM
Instructions tailored to your spiritual profile will be prepared and E-mailed to you in four parts
"The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." Hippocrates