
After two years of hands-on practice and consultations with Himalayan masters, finally a foolproof method to achieve guaranteed results.

Hi everyone,

Stop whatever you're doing and come and see this.

Now you may have learnt the basics of these subjects in high school. You may go to the library and brush up, if you wish. You may need to refer to them, because the more you understand the silent operation of your body the easier your task will become to achieve your goal.

Now, I am going to tell you something very important. It's very simple but you need to understand and grasp it very clearly in your mind. OK!

Psychology of life

You need to pay attention here. There are three important parts in play here.

There's the world out there and we are interactively dealing with whatever it dishes out, minute by minute. Our five outer senses take the pictures, colors, sounds, smells, tastes and thermal feel of things and feed them in our inner sense, THE MIND Every moment of our waking, sleeping and dreaming hours, our mind is collecting experiences, bit by bit, and storing them away for our use. We are learning and becoming wiser by the moment.

Unfortunately, ME grabs it all and challenges the authority of the mind, and prevails.

I laughs at it all and says, "I did all the work, but ME is taking all the credit."

"Who are you?" ME says, "I'm the body."

"Who am I?" I asks, "I'm the body."


Ego operates on the pleasure-pain principle and keeps feeding "I'm the body" feeling to



is to convince THE MIND
that "I'm not the body". This is the simple Solution.

There you have it. Anatomy, Biology and Physiology will tell you what the body is, how and of what it's made up and how it operates from moment to moment. You will discover that your body is not you. Your 'being' is something different from your body. Your body needs physical space to be contained in. Your 'being' and your 'mind' don't need the physical space. They exist beyond the physical space.


Now, a word of caution.

This knowledge is not for everyone. Let those who want to stay stuck in the limiting sense of "I'm the body", please leave now. Good Luck to you.

Now for those who have opted for "I'm not the body" experience, let's begin by playing an easy game.

Contemplate the simple question: "WHAT IS TIME?"

ANSWER: Think cool:

There is really no tangible thing called "time" like a flow of waves, particles or vibration, which one can see, touch or measure directly. So what is it? It is an idea made for convenience. Man has invented it and convinced everyone that it exists. We are conditioned, big time!

We use repetitive motion of a watch and rotation of the earth to measure it. But that measures repeating motion or change in position, BUT NOT TIME.

It is like looking at the SUN which seems to move from EAST to WEST in the sky. But, in fact, it is THE EARTH which is rotating and moving around THE SUN. The sun is fixed in its position.

Think again: It's hard but the idea will grow, slowly, because it's a SEED IDEA

The concept of time works very well for material/commercial dealings, that is, for the 'I'm the body' gang.

A river is said to be "a flow of time." Tree growth rings are a consumer of "time". Our age can be measured in years (artificial time) or in the number of breaths an average person takes in a lifetime, which is 788,400,000 (real time). So by slowing down our breathing rate, that is, by making our breaths longer and deeper, we improve our health and live longer.


Think about this plain and simple fact

Live longer = gain more experiences

Now for the real SECRET stuff

We don't think about it, but every single act we do from minute to minute, has a 'feeling' and an 'idea' associated with it. We attach the feeling and the idea or purpose, unconsciously, everytime!


So think: The act, the feeling, the idea.     OR     The form, vibration, consciousness.

These three things are very intimately connected. For example, a mother cooks for her child (the ACT), with a FEELING of joy, service, need, duty, love or selflessness. The IDEA could be to make strong, healthful, promote growth, fight a specific disease or comply with some other need etc.

Our consciousness registers a shape with colors (form) which is made up of the vibrations of the atoms/molecules in the form. Less simple stuff but not difficult if you know a bit of physics.

See, you're already forgetting about your association with the body. A WINNER!

QUESTION: How do I go about achieving this? What's the technique, the method?

ANSWER: The natural method started at the moment of your conception.

First, a bit about background info which may be found in my TWO BOOKS

The Three Verbsclick left or rightLatitude Syndrome

Then it involves learning simple breathing-with-vibration exercises to help you concentrate. Then some guidance in person as changes can happen rapidly and startle you.

Now I'm going to show you a video/movie so that you can learn and follow on your own.

Real mental yoga in thirty minutes; real results in thirty days!


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